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Date updated: October 31, 2023

Taking care of yourself is as important as taking care of and supporting a loved one

Sometimes, caring for the needs of another can feel overwhelming and stressful. You are not alone in feeling this way. There are millions of people just like you across this country giving their time and energy to care for and support someone they love dearly.

We are here to help.

We are happy to have Petro-Canada CareMakers Foundation support our work to produce resources and build a library of resources caregivers for family and friends can use.

Click here to go to the All Things Caregiving Page

Eastern Health Long Term Care Public Website 

Regional Health Authorities Visitor Precautions and updates.

Central Health Visitor Precautions

Eastern Health Visitor Precautions

Labrador Grenfell Health Visitor Precautions

Western Health Visitor Restrictions.

Taking care of yourself means:

Know and understand your limits. Sometimes, this can mean saying ‘no’. Accept that caregiving is challenging and no one is equipped to do it alone. When you feel you need help, look to family, friends, and healthcare professionals for support. People you reach out to are only too happy to help. In fact,  they want to help.

It is important to look after your physical, mental, spiritual, and social health.

As a caregiver, you may feel guilty about taking time for yourself. Perhaps you feel you have to give all of yourself, all of the time. But doing that can lead to fatigue and make you resentful. It can negatively impact your health, employment, your relationships with others, and the care-receiver and impact your caregiving abilities.

Taking care of yourself is not being lazy or selfish! Think of it as recharging your batteries. Click the picture below to check out how other caregivers feel.

The resources below are things that can help you in your caregiver role and help yourself.

Must Reads! Articles for Family and Friends - Caregivers

Of Special Note: Upcoming Events...

Mount Pearl Seniors Independence Group

Park Place Community Centre in Mount Pearl

If you are a primary caregiver, caring for someone in your own home, please call 748-6485 or e-mail to find out about upcoming events.

Introducing a new:

Family Caregiver benefit for adults

15 weeks to provide care to a family member who is critically ill or injured. May be shared among any eligible family members.

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