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Date updated: April 16, 2020

COVID-19 related Tops 10 Scams and Frauds

Beware of the frauds and scams happening during COVID-19. Here is a list of the top 10. Protect yourself and educate your friends and family. Stay Safe!   Top 10 Frauds and Scams during COVID-19

People who are at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19

While diseases can make anyone sick, some Canadians are more at risk of developing severe complications from an illness due to underlying medical conditions and age. If you are at risk for complications, you can take action to reduce your risk of getting sick from COVID-19. Click Here for more information from the Government of…

Frauds and Scams- 5 tips during COVID-19

5 Tips to protect yourself from COVID-19 Related Fraud and Scams. Never click on links or attachments in unsolicited or suspicious emails Never give out your personal or financial information by email, text or phone Note that financial institutions like your bank will never ask you to give personal, login or account information by text…


Make the kitchen safer for seniors Health conditions like arthritis, low vision, frailty, stroke, or dementia can make everyday tasks challenging for older adults. With heat, liquids, and knives, working in the kitchen can be especially dangerous. We found 10 simple kitchen aids for seniors that increase safety, prevent accidents, and help them stay independent longer. Being able to perform…

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