Cyber Security Toolkit
Protect yourself from online financial fraud with the Canadian Banker’s Cyber Security Toolkit for consumers
Date updated: July 25, 2023
Protect yourself from online financial fraud with the Canadian Banker’s Cyber Security Toolkit for consumers
Click here to view the Government of Canada’s Caregiver Credits
Click here for more information of Tax Credits and Benefits for Individuals
Credit Canada: How to Cath up on Debt payments After you Have Fallen Behind It can be all too easy to fall behind on debt payments. Whatever the reason, catching up on payments after falling behind can be a daunting task. Once you’ve fallen behind, you may find yourself having to deal with annoying collection…
Guide to Programs and Services for Individuals and Families- Government of NL This guide can help people find out what Provincial Government programs and services are available. See PDF version as link. Printed copies or alternate formats are available upon request by calling 1-866-883-6600 or via email at
Want to know if a public space in your area is hearing accessible? Spaces featured are: Cineplex Studios, Places of Worship, Cultural Theatres or Town Councils Devices and equipment offered include: Hearing Assistive devices and telephone amplifiers, Assistive Listening and Closed Captioning Devices available from Guest Service [Cineplex Cinemas Nation-Wide], An audio loop system, or…
The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) is a not-for-profit organization that investigates disputes between customers and their financial services firm when they are unable to fix the problem. OBSI is a national, not-for-profit organization that is regulated by the federal government and here to help when customers have a dispute with their bank…
Beware of the frauds and scams happening during COVID-19. Here is a list of the top 10. Protect yourself and educate your friends and family. Stay Safe! Top 10 Frauds and Scams during COVID-19
From Canada Mortgage and Housing- CHMC Our primary focus is the health and safety of our staff and ensuring the continuity of our operations. Here, you’ll find the latest information and resources related to our response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Click here to see how you may be able to access support and resources ,…
Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan This includes support for seniors- need ot scroll down to bottom of their page. Also for seniors who are or will be laid off. CLICK HERE TO FIND WHAT YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR