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Date updated: May 3, 2022


  • Doorways counselling service is available throughout the central region of NL.
  • Counselling can be provided through Doorways, as well as through other e-mental health options found on  Individuals seeking services are encouraged to call their local office (see below) to discuss counselling options.


  • Doorways –  walk-in, telephone, virtual counseling service in Baie Verte, Gander, Glovertown,  Grand Falls-Windsor, Lewisporte, New West Valley, Harbour Breton, St. Alban’s, Springdale and Botwood’s Mental Wellness Clinic
  • Doorways offers single-session counselling services provided by a team of Mental Health and Addictions Clinicians.
  • No referral is required. For times and locations visit the website (see below)
  • When you arrive, please tell the registration staff you are here for Doorways.
  • You will be given a brief questionnaire to complete and meet with a clinician for approximately 50 minutes to address a single mental health and/or addictions issue like depression, anxiety, bullying, coping, grief/loss, addictions, relationships, and/or stress.
  • Please call 811 to find a Doorways location near you:

Community Phone #
Baie Verte                                                     532-5219
Gander                                                            256-5438
Glovertown                                                  533-2372
Grand Falls-Windsor                              489-8841
Lewisporte                                                    535-0905
New West Valley                                       536-2405
Springdale                                                      673-4974
St. Alban’s                                                       538-3738
Harbour Breton                                          885-3055

Botwood ‘s
Mental Wellness Clinic                            257-2999

Doorways is not an emergency service. Individuals experiencing a mental health emergency should proceed to their nearest hospital or emergency department, call 911, or if you are having a mental health crisis contact the 811 Health Line. NEW

ACCESS: Text and Video Relay Service (VRS) line are available for individuals who may be hard-of hearing, identify as having communication disability, or are Deaf.
For texting, download the 811 NL HealthLine app in Apple and Google Play app stores
VRS number is 1-888-834-1252


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