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Date updated: November 27, 2017

Imagine you are in a hospital and you cannot speak-up. Protect your health care choices.
The Alzheimer Society Newfoundland & Labrador provides information and offers services and support for patients, families and caregivers.
Arthritis Society, Newfoundland and Labrador Division has information, programs, tools, and resources to manage arthritis and its symptoms. For example, there is an education program where self-management programs and guides are provided online and in person. The ease of use program lists products that make life easier for those with arthritis.
Cette boîte à outils pour une saine alimentation vous donne accès gratuitement à une grande variété de ressources, d'outils et de conseils pratiques pour faire la promotion d'une saine alimentation à travers les différents réseaux de votre organisme et de vos communautés.  Sélectionnez "Bien manger Apprenez-en plus": "Les guides alimentaires du Canada" et "Rappels d'aliments".
Start your Journey to Mental Wellness Bridge the gAPP is a province-wide online resource designed to support mental wellness. This free online mental health resource instantly connects people to self-help information, tools and local supports through a searchable service directory. Visit Bridge the gAPP for adults (18+) or connect to local services in NL.   PLEASE NOTE: Bridge the gApp has been redesigned for improved access:
  • No longer available through the Apple App Store or Google Play.
  • Website can be viewed more easily on a wider variety of devices such as a phone, tablet or computer.
  • Shortcut: Users will be prompted to add an icon to their home screen which looks and functions just like a phone app.
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) has general information on what an OT does, specific information on topics such as "Safe driving tips for older adults drivers", features a "Find an OT" search engine (by location), and CAOT product Recognition on devices that may help seniors stay in their home (stair lifts or  handrails).
COVID-19 UPDATES: AUGUST 11, 2020 The LOCAL OFFICE(S) in NL are CLOSED.  There are no activities or programs except:
  • Daffodil Place is OPEN and can be booked for lodging
    • CONTACT toll-free: 1-888-753-6520 Potential lodgers (including caregivers) will be screened and other services altered due to COVID-19
  • Practical Support Program (i.e. turbans or wigs) will be available soon as a virtual and no-contact support.
    • To request or return a wig, please call the  Cancer Information Helpline at 1-888-939-3333.
******************************** The Canadian Cancer Society NL provides information and supports to anyone facing cancer. Support may include: Air Daffodil (air travel assistance program), Daffodil Place (hostel), and practical and emotional supports.
Canadian Deprescribing Network  members  share information  and promote the deprescribing of medication.  Deprescribing is a planned and supervised process where people reduce or stop taking medications that may no longer be of benefit or may be causing harm.
The Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, NL (CHHA-NL) provides programs and services to people who are hard of hearing and/or have hearing loss. CHHA-NL's programs: education, Resource groups, loans and purchasing (assistive listening and signalling devices), alert and alarm devices, and more. Book an appointment ONLINE, OR Book an appointment by phone or e-mail (see details below) Booking an appointment guarantees that a person can:
  • Make a/an phone, in-person or virtual appointment at a time that suits their schedule.
  • Meet with a hearing loss support specialist at a dedicated time.
CONTACT Voice:      709-753-3224 Toll free: 1-888-753-3224 Text: 709-725-3224 (see note below) E-mail: By video chat: for information and support.  Please connect with staff to learn more about this option. By text:  you can reach a staff member by texting 1-709-725-3224.  Please note: this number is intended for text only (voice calls to the text line will not be answered). E-mail: See CHHA-NL's online resources.   Also, The Read Our Lips online course. Read Our Lips Hearing Assistive Technology Lending Program –  where individuals can borrow hearing assistive technology for a short time (two weeks). Can purchase assistive technology at CHHA-NL's social enterprise.
Are you looking for emotional support? Call the Lifewise(was CHANNAL) Warmline Toll Free: 1-855-753-2560 Local: 709-753-2560 English Toll Free: 1-833-753-5460 French Help is Available - If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis please contact 811 (Texting is available) Check out FREE webinars available online about best practices in workplace mental health, coping with anxiety and stress, Health Anxiety, Isolation and Loneliness and more.
  • CMHA-NL offices (St. John’s, Grand Falls-Windsor, and Stephenville)
    • May offer  booth displays, workplace presentations, volunteer opportunities, physical training courses, workshops, and events
As a division of the national Canadian Mental Health Association, CMHA-NL offers public education on mental health and mental illness, along with research, advocacy, and service.
The Canadian Red Cross in Newfoundland and Labrador offers an extensive network of programs and services that actively reach out and serve local communities throughout the province. In the St. John's area, services include the Meals on Wheels program. is the Canadian Cancer Society's online community for information and support. Connect, learn and share your stories with people with similar experiences with cancer. It is free to register and use.
Carers Canada works together with other organizations to pool resources and combine efforts to make sure that carers are part of and included in social policy to positively impact the lives of caregivers.
Central Health provides health and community services to about 94,000 in 177 communities. The region extends from Charlottetown to Baie Verte and from Fogo Island to Harbour Breton.
Chronic Diseases are defined by The World Health Organization as diseases that last a long time but develop slowly. Central Health has a number of programs and services that address chronic disease prevention and management for specific chronic diseases such as such as the Diabetes Care Program, Feet First, Regional Stroke Program and for many types of chronic disease such as Improving Health: My Way.
Central Health's Community Support Services are now just a call away. Central Health offers many types of supportive programs and services across the region to provide individuals with the opportunity to live as independently as possible within their community. The focus is on helping individuals get the supports they need to overcome barriers, increase independence, and improve quality of life. Community Support & Residential Services include:
  • Respite Care
  • Home Support Services
  • Special Assistance Program - Medical Supplies and Equipment
  • Personal Care Home
  • Long Term Care
Community Support and Residential Services uses a single entry service model for service delivery. Call 1-833-210-8491
Grief and Bereavement Support - In the central region, the Regional Grief and Bereavement Consultant:
  • Does not provide Individual Counselling directly but will help individuals navigate local grief resources and access support like counselling
  • May also present Grief and Bereavement Support Groups (8 week program) or Information sessions (not in a formal schedule).
  • Also provides Palliative and End of Life Care.  Bereavement support may begin before the death of a family member or when a diagnosis occurs.
CONTACT: Shannon Furey, Regional Grief and Bereavement Consultant Telephone: 709-235-1412  
Home support provides additional help that people need so they remain at home. Contact the Community Support & Residential Services Program of Central Health to apply.
Long-term care options are available to individuals depending on their care needs. Review the:
  • Long Term Care Information Booklet for residents and families (and determine how to give comments and other feedback on long term care)
  • Philosophy of care in long term care
  • First Link Education Series (publication of Alzheimer Society NL
  • Provincial Review Report on Long Term Care.
Triage line for community-based services, available 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Please be advised this is not a crisis line. If this is an emergency please call your local emergency services or 911.
  • If you have a mental health crisis please contact the 811 Health Line (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) NEW
Mental Health and Addictions triage is a process to provide quick  assessment and timely access to an appropriate mental health and addictions health professional.
  • Using this toll free triage line, persons needing mental health and addictions services can  call to refer themselves. Health care providers or other referral sources may continue to refer clients through mail, fax or phone. Telephone: 1-844-353-3330
A list of Personal Care Homes in Central Region. Personal Care Homes provide care to adults needing residential assistance. Personal Care Homes are for-profit businesses that generally provide a lower level of nursing and personal care to residents as compared to Nursing homes (Long Term Care Facilities).    
Works to highlight: Prescription drug use, - benefit, safety, and cost-effectiveness Health needs of the public and the prevention of disease Pharmacy as an necessary part of the health-care system
In response to COVID-19, the CNIB Foundation has expanded its virtual program offerings across Canada. These programs are free and available to Canadians who are blind or partially sighted as well as their families, friends and caregivers. Celebrating 100 years in 2018, the CNIB Foundation is a national, non-profit organization driven to change what it is to be blind today. Programs and advocacy empower people impacted by blindness to live their dreams and tear down barriers to inclusion. The CNIB Group is made up of the CNIB Foundation, Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada, and CNIB Deafblind Community Services Programs at CNIB Newfoundland and Labrador include:
  • Live - CNIB cards,  Guide Dog Program...
  • Play- Indoor and outdoors walking clubs, Tech Time Tuesdays...
  • Work- Career and Employment - Internships, returnships and mentorships...
  • CNIB SHOP at The Boulevard where people who are blind or partially-sighted can access over 70 different gadgets to help them in daily living.
  • Vision Loss Rehabilitation Newfoundland and Labrador NOTE: For more information on rehabilitation services, click here to visit their site
"We need social connections to thrive — no matter our age." AARP [American Association of Retired Persons] Foundation spearheaded Connect2Affect to seek out solutions to social isolation. The goal is to create a network of resources that meets the needs of anyone who is isolated or lonely, and that helps build the social connections older adults need to thrive.    
As many as half of hospital patients age 65 and older develop delirium. Once thought of as something ordinary — something that “just happens” to people as they get older — today, geriatricians and hospitals across the U.S. recognize the dangers of delirium and are increasingly creating programs and protocols to prevent, detect and treat it. Delirium refers to a change in the brain’s neurochemistry that causes a person to become highly confused and unable to think clearly. People with delirium often can’t remember recent events or where they are. The condition usually comes on quickly, but the symptoms can come and go. Besides hospitals, delirium is also common in long-term care facilities and often one of the first signs that a resident has become very ill, says Dr. Paul Takahashi, a geriatrician at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
Dementia Friends Canada is a national campaign that’s helping Canadians to learn a little about dementia, and then turn that understanding into simple actions that can improve the lives of people living with dementia.
Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development is dedicated to providing a wide range of family-focused services with a concentration on nurturing strong, healthy communities.
The Department of Health and Community Services provides a leadership role in health and community services programs and policy development for the province. Publicly funded Health and Community Services are delivered in the province by four regional health authorities.
Individuals who have diabetes need information about the disease and its management. The Diabetes Canada (formerly known as the Canadian Diabetes Association) provides consumer information on many diabetes related topics: meal planning, exercise, insulin and diabetes medication, complications of diabetes, nutrition, and more. Are you looking for information on diabetes, Diabetes Canada programs and services, membership or donations? Call 1-800-BANTING (1-800-226-8464) or email Check out your regional office, in NL.
Dietitians of Canada works with members to raise the profile of the profession. The Seniors page provides posts on  healthy eating such as Shopping for One or Two (Planning), Eating Alone, and Cooking for One or Two.
  • Doorways counselling service is available throughout the central region of NL.
  • Counselling can be provided through Doorways, as well as through other e-mental health options found on  Individuals seeking services are encouraged to call their local office (see below) to discuss counselling options.
  • Doorways –  walk-in, telephone, virtual counseling service in Baie Verte, Gander, Glovertown,  Grand Falls-Windsor, Lewisporte, New West Valley, Harbour Breton, St. Alban’s, Springdale and Botwood's Mental Wellness Clinic
  • Doorways offers single-session counselling services provided by a team of Mental Health and Addictions Clinicians.
  • No referral is required. For times and locations visit the website (see below)
  • When you arrive, please tell the registration staff you are here for Doorways.
  • You will be given a brief questionnaire to complete and meet with a clinician for approximately 50 minutes to address a single mental health and/or addictions issue like depression, anxiety, bullying, coping, grief/loss, addictions, relationships, and/or stress.
  • Please call 811 to find a Doorways location near you:
Community Phone # Baie Verte                                                     532-5219 Gander                                                            256-5438 Glovertown                                                  533-2372 Grand Falls-Windsor                              489-8841 Lewisporte                                                    535-0905 New West Valley                                       536-2405 Springdale                                                      673-4974 St. Alban's                                                       538-3738 Harbour Breton                                          885-3055 Botwood 's Mental Wellness Clinic                            257-2999 Doorways is not an emergency service. Individuals experiencing a mental health emergency should proceed to their nearest hospital or emergency department, call 911, or if you are having a mental health crisis contact the 811 Health Line. NEW ACCESS: Text and Video Relay Service (VRS) line are available for individuals who may be hard-of hearing, identify as having communication disability, or are Deaf. For texting, download the 811 NL HealthLine app in Apple and Google Play app stores VRS number is 1-888-834-1252
News: May 4, 2020 12:35pm see update re: Coverage for COVID-19 Medical Services to Non-Insured Individuals Prescription Delivery Service (excluding opiates such as methadone/suboxone) The Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program (NLPDP) provides financial assistance for the purchase of eligible prescription medications for those who reside in the province. There are five main plans under the program, including the 65+ Plus Plan (previously known as the Seniors Drug Subsidy Plan) . Qualifying applicants will be responsible for a co-payment depending on their income levels and drug costs or applicants will pay up front and seek reimbursement later. When calling applicants and card holders should have their MCP number available.
  • To apply, an application form must be completed. Application forms are available at pharmacies or physician offices or by calling:     NL Prescription Drug Program, Assessment Office, Stephenville  1-888-859-3535
    • The Assessment office covers the eligibility for a specific cardholder
    • Out-of-province drug coverage for beneficiaries of the program
  • For questions about their drug card (e.g. lost),  call 1-888-859-3535
  • The NLPDP Claims Processing office can be reached at Toll Free 1-888-724-7760
    • reimbursement of prescription receipts (often Seniors need to pay up-front and send in the receipts)
    • questions or difficulties associated with billing or payment process
  • The Pharmaceutical Services, Department of Health and Community Services  is responsible for operating the NLPDP on behalf of the government of NL.  Toll Free 1-888-222-0533 or local Tel: 709-729–6507
    • Pharmaceutical Services at the Department of Health is most often reached by FAX.  Doctors or Pharmacist's often FAX in requests for drug coverage (for eligible patients) at 1-709-729-2851
    • Pharmaceutical Services handles general inquiries around  drug eligibility or special authorization (including the Cystic Fibrosis and Growth Hormone programs).
    • Call about Drug Eligibility for NLNPDP or need for Special Authorization Request Forms
    • Or you can search the NLNPDP Drug product Database to see if a drug is eligible
Egale, Canada Human Rights Trust, works to improve the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex and two-spirit (LGBTQI2S) people in Canada and to enhance the global response to LGBTQI2S issues. "With many advances in LGBTQI2S human rights, we are now beginning to see more LGBTQI2S seniors ‘out ‘ and proud!" For Seniors:
  • Egale's LGBTQI2S Seniors Newsletter
  • LGBTQI2S Resource Map (building a map to identify resources that welcome LGBTQI2S people)
Elizz, Canada’s largest social enterprise, provides caregiver support and home care services.  Elizz,  a Canadian not-for-profit health care organization, provides a variety of online caregiver tips and how-to articles along with virtual care services such as caregiver counselling.
Whether you are living with Alzheimer’s disease, another form of dementia, or supporting someone who is, the First Link® program connects you and your family to your local Alzheimer Society programs and other community services.
Food First NL is a provincial, membership-based, non-profit organization dedicated to improving food security for everyone in the province. Food First NL developed the Healthy Eating NL Resource Centre. They also carried out many projects and research, such as Everybody Eats. What We Heard. A provincial dialogue on food security in NL.    
Questions often asked by people who are thinking of moving into a Long Term Care Facility (Nursing Home) or Personal Care Homes (owned by private businesses). Nursing homes generally provide higher level of nursing and personal care to residents  
GROCERY STORES - WESTERN - NorthWest For other grocery stores outside of Northwest area please see: SouthWest (March 22 2023) Big Feed Club (Cosco) and DRL Coachlines Grocery Distribution Service: Big Feed Club is a simple way to order food and essentials to your home Accepting Orders Online at: Payment: A 15% Shipping Fee is applied to all DRL Coachlines pick-up location orders. Order Online: Must Create an Account Membership: FREE Grocery Delivery: DRL COACHLINES Distribution Minimum order: $100 DESIGNATED DRL-COACHLINES PICK-UP LOCATION: Hampden Jct., Deer Lake, Pasadena NOTE: Depending on where you are located, DRL COACHLINES schedule is very consistent, a 98% on-time record. Current Schedule provided within and above. Online and call-in orders along with curbside pick-up and delivery options below for stores and markets in North West, NL NORTH WEST Humber Arm South (April 4, 2023) Katie's Convenience 153 Main Road, Humber Arm South, NL Order Online: NO Order by Phone only : YES Call: 709-789-2237 Payment In-Store: cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: YES ( contact the store for details). Delivery Details: Fee $20.00 to $25.00 (Can be more depending on distance) Area Covered: Humber Arm South, Mount Moriah, John's Beach, Curling Payment for call-in-orders: credit card and e-transfer NOTE: Please call the store for e-transfer information Lark Harbour ( April 4, 2023) Sheppards Clover Farm 166 Main Rd, Lark Harbour, NL A0L 1H0 Order by Phone: YES, ONLY take orders in special circumstances only. Call: 709-681-2160 Order Online: NO Call the store for payment options. Payment In-Store: Cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: YES only in special circumstances. Delivery Details: FREE Lark Harbour and York Harbour Area Corner Brook (April 4, 2023) Sobeys Corner Brook - 1 Mt. Bernard Avenue (Valley Mall) Order Online: YES. Sobeys Volia- online ordering Must register before ordering Order by phone: NO Store Phone: 709-639-7193 Payment in-store: cash, debit card, credit card Curbside Pick Up: YES Voila designated parking spots Delivery: NO Website: COLEMANS STORES - NORTH WEST COLEMANS ONLINE SHOPPING - Create an account when ordering online. NOTE: TO RECEIVE STATUS UPDATES ON YOUR ONLINE ORDER EMAIL A customer representative will respond ASAP. For telephone numbers and store locations: Deer Lake (April 4, 2023) Colemans Grocery, 1 Pennell's Lane, Deer Lake, NL Order Online: YES Website: Order by phone: YES Call: 709-635-2581 Order by FAX: 709-635-5897 Payment upon delivery. Order by email address: Payment upon delivery. Store: The Western Food Hub has a central customer pickup location Payment in store: cash, debit card, credit card Payment via phone cash on delivery, credit card, personal cheque on delivery Delivery: YES . Delivery details: Order has to be over $50 . Call store for details on delivery fee. Corner Brook (April 4, 2023) Colemans Grocery, Garden Market,137 O'Connell Drive, Corner Brook, NL Order Online: YES  Website: Order by phone: May be done NOTE: prefer ordering via online. Call 709-637-6767 Payment for call-in-order: credit card Payment in-store: cash debit card, credit card Delivery: YES. Delivery details; Fee: $9.99 ( includes delivery and assembly fee) on $50 plus order Corner Brook Area Facebook: Corner Brook (April 4, 2023) Colemans Grocery Stores- 26 Caribou Road, Corner Brook, NL Order Online: NO Website: Order by phone: YES Phone: 709-637-6635 Order by FAX: YES Fax: 709-637-6666 Order Schedule: Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Payment for call-in-order: credit card Payment in-store: cash debit card, credit card Delivery: YES Fee: $9.99 Curbside Pick-up: YES free For telephone numbers and store locations: DOMINION STORES PC Express Grocery Shopping Online NOTE: PC Express hours AND Grocery Store Hours may differ per Dominion PC Express: Shop Online and Curbside Pick-Up at PC Express parking spot Visit and register at Select Your Store and Choose a 2-hour time slot. Standard Fees: $1.00 Payment for PC Express: Visa/Debit Card - By credit card online and for some stores can pay debit curbside BUT need a credit card on file for the online order to process properly In some stores, Customer has to pay Debit or cash at the Customer Service Centre inside the store Corner Brook (April 4, 2023) Dominion Murphy Square 5 Murphy Square, Corner Brook NL A2H 1R4 Call: 709-634-9450 Order Online: YES. Order by phone: NO Website: PC Express Hours: Monday to Saturday from 8:00 am to 7:30 pm and Sunday from 9:00am to 7:30pm. Last order must be in before 5:30 pm to be ready the same day. Payment Online: for PC EXPRESS: credit card online or debit BUT need a credit card on file for the online order to process properly. Preauthorized charge 125% of order. ( covers any incidentals; extra things to add to order, food paid by weight, or substitution of stock.) Standard Fee: $1.00 same day, less than 3 hours priority $5:00 Curbside Pick up: YES at PC Express parking spot. NOTE: do have a portable debit machine for payment. Payment in store: cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: YES Delivery Fees: same day $8.99 , next day $4.99 ( use Door Dash) Deer Lake  (April 4, 2023) Cormack Farmers Market and Flower Shop 69 Viking Trail Hwy, Cormack, NL A8A 2S3 Hours: Seasonal (call for hours) Order Online: FLOWERS ONLY Order by phone: YES, grocery items such as fresh cream, butter, vegetables, pickles. jams. Call: 709- 635-4608 Payment for call-in-orders: credit card and e-transfer NOTE: please e-transfer money to the following email address: Payment in-store: cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: YES , in Deer Lake Area only. $7.00 Facebook
GROCERY STORES - WESTERN - SOUTHWEST For other grocery stores outside of the Southwest area please see: NorthWest (March 22 2023) Big Feed Club (Cosco) and DRL Coachlines Grocery Distribution Service: Big Feed Club is a simple way to order food and essentials to your home Accepting Orders Online at: Payment: A 15% Shipping Fee is applied to all DRL Coachlines pick-up location orders. Order Online: Must Create an Account Membership: FREE Grocery Delivery: DRL COACHLINES Distribution Minimum order: $100 DESIGNATED DRL-COACHLINES PICK-UP LOCATION: Corner Brook, Stephenville, Robinson’s Jct., Doyles, Port aux Basques (Marine Atlantic) Delivery is to your door in the North East Avalon region OR shipped to your nearest DRL Coachlines Pick-Up location (Whitbourne to Port aux Basques).   NOTE: CC - Major Credit Cards Online and Call-in ordering along with curbside pick-up and delivery options below for stores and markets in South West NL SouthWest Lourdes (April 4, 2023) Co-op Variety 76 Main St., Lourdes NL A0N 1R0 Order Online: No Order by Phone: Yes Call: 709-642-5342 Payment In-Store: cash, debit card, credit card, charge it to the store account Delivery: No NOTE: Do offer curbside pick up Payment for call-in orders: credit card, charge it to the store account, e-transfer NOTE: please e-transfer money to the following email address: Facebook: Saint Georges (April 6, 2023) Chubbs Convenience - ( Full Line Grocery-part of Clover Farm) 223 Main Street, Saint George's NL A0N 1Z0 Order Online; No Order by Phone: Yes Call: 709-647-3962 Payment In-store: cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: Yes, Fee: $5.00 Payment for call-in-order: credit card and e-transfer NOTE: please e-transfer money to the following email address: Cape Saint George (April 4, 2023) Ozzie's General Store 1102 Oceanview Dr, Cape Saint George, NL A0N 1E0 Order Online: No Order by Phone: Yes Call: 709-644-2020 Payment In-Store: cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: No Payment for call-in-order: credit card and e-transfer NOTE: Please call the store for e-transfer information Cape St. George (April 12, 2023) Red Brook Variety 621 Oceanview Dr, Cape St. George, NL A0N 1T1 Order Online: No Order by Phone: Yes NOTE: For seniors only Call: 709-644-2733 Payment In-store: cash or debit card Delivery: Yes NOTE: For seniors only Delivery Details: FREE Cape Saint George Area Payment for call-in-order: e-transfer Note: Please make payment to the following email address: Port Aux Port West-Aquathuna-Felix Cove (April 6, 2023) Elaine's Variety 25 Front Rd Port aux Port West-Aquathuna-Felix Cove, NL A0N 1T0 Order Online: No Order by Phone: Yes Call: 709-648-2663 Payment In-store: cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: Yes, with notice Fee: determined by driver Curbside pick up: Yes Payment for call-in-orders: credit card or e-transfer E-transfer money to: CHANNEL PORT-AUX-BASQUES (April 4, 2023) Foodland 27 Grand Bay Rd, Cape Ray, NL Order Online: No Order by Phone: Yes Call: 709-695-7671  Email: Curbside Pick Up: Yes Payment In-store: cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: No Payment for call-in orders: credit card Website: Facebook: Burnt Islands (May 2, 2023) Bayside Grocery and Convenience 68 Main Street, Burnt Islands, NL Order Online: No Order by Phone: Yes Call: 709-698-3290 Payment In-store: cash, debit card, credit card or charge it to the store account Delivery: Yes   FREE Burnt Islands Area Only Payment for call-in orders: credit card, charge it to the store account Ramea (April 17, 2023) Rock Island Convenience 17 Main Street, Ramea, NL Order Online: No Order by Phone: Yes   Phone: 709-625-2155 Payment In-store: cash, debit card, credit card and charge it to the store account. Delivery: Yes Fee: FREE (will deliver to Seniors home and accept cheque for payment) Payment for call-in order: credit card and charge it to the store account. COLEMANS ONLINE SHOPPING - Create an account when ordering online. NOTE: TO RECEIVE STATUS UPDATES ON YOUR ONLINE ORDER EMAIL A customer representative will respond ASAP. For telephone numbers and store locations: Stephenville (April 6, 2023) Colemans Grocery Store,125-127 Main Street, Stephenville, offers online shopping for delivery and curbside pick-up. Order Online: Yes Order by Phone: Yes Call: 709-643-2322 Note: Order online the day before for next day delivery; will try to do phone in orders same day Curbside Pick Up: Yes Payment in-store: cash, debit card, credit card Delivery: Yes No Delivery on Weekends Delivery Details: Fee $9.99 (includes delivery and assembly fee) on any order Payment by phone: credit credit, personal cheque or payment upon delivery. Facebook: Website: Stephenville Crossing (April 4, 2023) Colemans Food Centre 58 Main Street. Stephenville Crossing, NL A0N 2C0 Order Online: NO Email order: Orders placed after 12:00 pm will be delivered the following day Order by Phone:    Call: 709-646-5549  prefer via email ordering; use flyers. Delivery: YES NOTE: No delivery after 5:00 pm and no deliveries on Sunday. Delivery Details: Fee is $9:99 plus tax (includes delivery and assembly fee) for orders over $75 Standard Fee: Yes NOTE: Please call the store re: the assembly fee for call-in-orders Curbside pick up: YES  FREE Payment in-store: cash, debit, credit card, gift cards Payment for call-in-orders: credit card E-Flyer:!/?next=%2Fe-flyer&intent=circular DOMINION STORES (April 4 2023) PC Express Grocery Shopping Online NOTE: PC Express hours AND Grocery Store Hours may differ per Dominion Store PC Express: Shop Online and Curbside Pick-Up at PC Express parking spot Visit and register at Select Your Store and Choose a 2-hour time slot. Standard Fees: $1.00 Payment for PC Express: Visa/Debit Card (by credit card online) and for some stores can pay with debit curbside BUT need a credit card on file for the online order to process properly. In some stores, the Customer may need to pay using Debit or cash at the Customer Service Centre inside the store. Stephenville (April 4, 2023) Dominion Prince Rupert, 62 Prince Rubert Street, Stephenville, NL A2N 3W7 Order by Phone : NO Store Contact: 709-643-0850 Order Online; YES PC EXPRESS Payment Online: for PC EXPRESS: credit, online or debit and cash inside at Customer Service Centre BUT need a credit card on file for the online order to process properly. Website: Select Your Store and Choose a 2-hour time slot. Standard Fee: $1.00; $5.00 during high volume pickup times like lunch and supper Curbside Pick up: Yes at PC Express parking spot Payment In-store: cash, debit card, credit card. Delivery: NO

Guide to Programs and Services for Individuals and Families- Government of NL

This guide can help people find out what Provincial Government programs and services are available. See PDF version as link. Printed copies or alternate formats are available upon request by calling 1-866-883-6600 or via email at
The HealthLine is a confidential and free telephone line staffed by experienced Registered Nurses. It is available to all residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, of any age. Call 811 at any time, day or night, to speak to a Registered Nurse. They are always there for you.
Your one-stop-shop for resources to help promote and support healthy eating in Newfoundland & Labrador! This site has resources covering everything from grocery shopping on a budget, maintaining health while eating with a condition,  harvesting wild food, organizing a bulk buying club, and preserving food.  
Gives you free access to a wide variety of resources, tools, and tips on promoting healthy eating. A lot of the information is written with Parents and caregivers of children between the ages of 2-12 years in mind. Select "Eat well learn more about healthy eating": for useful tools like Food "Recalls and Safety Alerts" and Canada's "Food Guide Servings Trackers" for men or women 51 plus.
Department of Children, Seniors, and Social Development Inclusion Grants  are available to non-profit, community-based organizations to make their facilities more accessible and their events more inclusive.  These grants enhance accessibility and inclusion in communities throughout the province by: 1)  Installing ramps, accessible washrooms or visual alarms (up to $25,000). 2)  Providing American Sign Language, captioning or listening devices (up to $5,000) Information and applications are available in alternate formats.
The Kidney Foundation of Canada exists for the improvement of kidney health and the reduction and, if possible, the removal of the burden of kidney diseases.
NOTE: The Consumer Health Awareness Network of Newfoundland and Labrador, formerly known as CHANNAL, will now go by the name Lifewise Mental Health Peer Services.   Lifewise WARMLINE Toll Free: 1-855-753-2560 Provincial English Local: 753-2560 (St. John’s metro) English Open 7 days a week, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (midnight) Toll Free: 1-833-753-5460 French   Lifewise Mental Health Peer Services offers one-on-one peer support, Virtual group peer support, public education and training. The Lifewise Central office is located at 2A Bank Road, Grand Falls-Windsor, A2A 2G6 Contact:  Sheri at 489-0035 or  or check out Program activities and events on their facebook page (see link below) Please respect that all events are scent free safe and sober envioroments.
NOTE: The Consumer Health Awareness Network of Newfoundland and Labrador, formerly known as CHANNAL, will now go by the name Lifewise Mental Health Peer Services. Lifewise is run for and by people with mental health and addiction issues. Lifewise is proud to offer Peer Support services throughout Newfoundland & Labrador in a variety of formats. Facilitated by trained staff, Peer Support is the act of supporting one another through the connection of similar experiences, with no hierarchy or power dynamics. Peer Support OFFERED: Shared support (group discussions), Wellness Workshops, Peer Group Support (In Person or Virtual), Family Support Groups, Individual 1:1 Support, The Warmline, Community Peer Support, Public Education and Doorways (in partnership with the Regional Health Authorities). There are both In Person and Peer Support Virtual Groups.  Peers can register on the day of the virtual group by emailing   A separate e-mail must be sent to attend each group. Lifewise Warm Lines Toll Free: 1-855-753-2560  English Local: 753-2560 (St. John’s metro) English Open 7 days a week, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (midnight) Toll Free: 1-833-753-5460 French  
Are you experiencing Meniere's, Tinnitus, or Both? Want to ask questions about your symptoms, or talk about options that might benefit you? 1.Join the ongoing conversation about Meniere’s and Tinnitus in the Resource Group Facebook Group. 2.Call and talk with a Staff Person 3.Ask to be added to the CHHA-NL e-mail listserv or the Meniere’s and Tinnitus sublist (e-mail listserv) for Announcements, Information, Education and Resource opportunities. 4.Videos and Webinars about  Meniere’s and Tinnitus   Book an appointment ONLINE, OR Book an appointment by phone or e-mail (see details below) Booking an appointment guarantees that a person can:
  • Make a/an phone, in-person or virtual appointment at a time that suits their schedule.
  • Meet with a hearing loss support specialist at a dedicated time.
CONTACT Voice:                       709-753-3224 Toll free:                1-888-753-3224 Text:                        709-725-3224 (see note below) E-mail:         By video chat: for information and support. Please connect with staff to learn more about this option. By text: you can reach a staff member by texting 1-709-725-3224. Please note: this number is intended for text only (voice calls will not be answered).    
Are you having finding the mental health and addiction system too difficult to navigate or connect with? It is often difficult to find Information on and contact to resources needed. The Mental Health and Addictions Provincial Systems Navigator helps improve the client’s mental health journey by
  • increasing knowledge/awareness
  • problem solving to figure out next steps;
  • consider options to help find the right mental health or addiction service; and/or;
  • help make connections.
Contact Barry Hewitt by phone at 709-752-3916 or 1-877-999-7589 or by email at video relay service (VRS) calls are welcome
The Mental Health Crisis Phone Line is a free, confidential service available province-wide, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Toll Free 811 ACCESS: Text and Video Relay Service (VRS) line are available for individuals who may be hard-of hearing, identify as having communication disability, or are Deaf. For texting, download the 811 NL HealthLine app in Apple and Google Play app stores VRS number is 1-888-834-1252, an online support for people working through grief and loss or supporting someone who is grieving. is also an educative tool for those working in health care.
NICE has Tools (information and tips) on Caregiving, Dementia, End of Life Issues, Elder Abuse, and more.
Osteoporosis Canada works to educate, empower and support individuals and communities in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis (a disease in which the bones become less dense increasing the possibility of bone fracture).
This section describes the various government-related entities or individuals that have a focus on seniors as part of their mandate.
Parkinson Canada provides support services and education to people living with Parkinson’s disease, their families, and the health care professionals who treat them.
Caregivers, doctors, nurses, counsellors, and other health workers, responding to emergency situations such as natural disasters or terror attacks, sometimes need to be reminded that a nonstop response can lead to physical and emotional wear and tear. Without attention to self-care, caregivers' usefulness and finally their health will suffer.
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors Forum is a group from different levels of governments created to share information, discuss new and up-and-coming issues related to seniors, and work together on key projects.
It is the responsibility of Health Professionals to prevent harm from medication incidents. Consumers can also play a vital role such as reporting mistakes made by doctors, nurses, or pharmacists to the government.
The Seniors and Aging Division works with other government departments and agencies to promote healthy aging across the lifespan and acts as a centre of knowledge on seniors and aging.
Do you want to Stop Smoking? Wish to make a quit attempt? There are several Smoking Cessation Programs available: 1.Quit Smoking & Vaping Program (Medication Therapy Services Clinic) is a pharmacist-led clinic will offer smoking cessation services including medication and counseling. For more information, call 709-864-2274 and leave a brief message or e-mail: NOTE: This program often has a wait list. Administrators regularly review the list and may close the list to new referrals on a temporary basis from time-to-time. Please check the website or call the clinic to see if they are accepting new clients. Do you want to quit smoking nicotine but NOT ready to set a quit date? They will also help you with that. 2. NL Smoking Cessation Program for Individuals with Low Income (Department of Health and Community Services) The Newfoundland and Labrador Smoking Cessation Program assists with the cost of medications (Champix® and Zyban®) and nicotine replacement therapy products (nicotine patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler and Quick Mist) that are proven to help with quitting smoking. Eligible: Adults aged 18 years and older, under the Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program (NLPDP) Access, Foundation (Income Support), or 65+ Plans of the NLPDP are eligible for coverage under the Smoking Cessation Program.
The Thyroid Foundation of Canada is a volunteer organization whose mission is to support thyroid patients across Canada through awareness, education, and research.
There are shelters for abused women and their children in this province.  These shelters have an emergency crisis line and helpful staff. The Transition Housing Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (THANL) website provides 1-800 crisis numbers, local phone numbers, and e-mail addresses for local shelters in NL.  
Video series: Dementia and Caregiving. Family caregivers share their personal experiences and talk about the importance of social connections.
The Humberwood Centre offers a program of recovery and personal growth to residents of Newfoundland and Labrador. There is no fee for NL health card holders, MCP.  It has many years of experience treating people with addictions to alcohol, drugs and/or gambling. Call 709-634-4506

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