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Date updated: April 6, 2020

For the Home

We hear from seniors all the time looking for information that will help them stay in their home or move.

The 50+ population in NL have the highest home-ownership rates of any province. However, there are also quite a few seniors who are renting or are considering a move to a rental apartment or an institution like a long term care facility (less than 10 percent in NL).

The resources in this section can help seniors stay in their home, repair their home, rent a home, or plan a move.

Select One of the Following Categories for Relevant Resources and Information:

COVID_19 related infromation from Canada Mortgage and Housing( CMHC) Click here to see how you may be able to access support and resources , for home owners to Renters and everything in between

Need something else? Check out our Resources and Publications!

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