Housing-Rental by older adults in NL.
The 50+ population in NL has the highest home-ownership rates of any province. However, there are also quite a few seniors who are renting or are considering a move to a rental apartment.
Central Health and Labrador-Grenfell Health Housing-Rental for Seniors
There are Seniors’ cottages and Seniors’ independent living apartments in Central and Labrador-Grenfell Regions. Please refer to NL Housing Corporation’s Rental Housing Program or Request a Housing List from SeniorsNL (see below).
ATTENTION! We are hearing from many seniors in the last few months who have become homeless because it is so hard to find an affordable apartment right now!
Finding a place to live at this time is very difficult, especially if you are on a fixed income or a low income.
Rents are very high and vacancies are very low.
The question to ask yourself is: “ Do I have to move at this time?”
You may be better off staying where you are UNLESS you have to move. Likewise, if you have a choice, please make sure you have a new apartment lined up before you give notice on your current one.
If you have received a letter from your landlord giving you 3 months to move, please call us right away to discuss the options you may have. Do not leave it until you have no time to find a place to live.
Things to consider before you decide to move:
1. Check out the cost to rent – can you afford it?
2. Are you willing to move anywhere? You may not be able to move where you want for the money you can afford. For example, wanting to live in the East End of the City/community.
3. If you plan to sell your home, you should find a place to live first and give yourself time to move. Your house might sell fast, and you could be stuck with no place to live if you do not plan ahead. You could find yourself homeless too. This is not meant to be alarming…these are the facts in this current market.
SeniorsNL has compiled Housing Lists for seniors living in Labrador, Western, Central , Eastern (outside of St. John’s and area), and St. John’s and area. These lists also show which ones are accessible, and which ones can be subsidized to make it more affordable for you, if you qualify.
Available upon request – call or email us through our Contact Us form.
The resources in this section can help seniors rent a home, or plan a move.